Saturday, October 12, 2019

Things They Carried Essay: The Man I Killed -- Things They Carried Ess

The Man I Killed in The Things They Carried  Ã‚   Much can be interpreted by what people write.   The great thing about interpretations is that different writings can be interpreted differently.   Just like in the writings by Tim O'Brien.   His book titled "The Things They Carried," is a very deep and touching collection of stories about the Vietnam War.   The book is written, as a whole under the title "The Things They Carried," but is a collection of many people’s experiences in this destructive war.   One story that is a touching and very intriguing is titled, "The Man I Killed."   If anyone knows anything about Vietnam it is that many lives where lost in this disastrous war.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   All through school students are taught the very top layer of the telling of this war.   Such as dates, places that the war took place, and straight statistics of the war.   The parts that are left out are the tragedies, and the permanent scars the war left.   Students are told about the number of deaths that occurred, but they are not told about the lives that were affected, or how disturbing the war r...

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